Build Your Dreams In The Cloud

Website Design, Development, E-commerce, and Website Debugging.

How to Fix 404 Errors in Shopify

Shopify Development

404 errors can be a shop owner’s nightmare. Search engine placement can be affected as well as user engagement.

In the era where every online interaction holds significance, encountering the notorious 404 error can spell disaster for e-commerce businesses. It’s the virtual roadblock that customers stumble upon, indicating that the page they’re searching for has either vanished or changed its location.

Yet, for those harnessing the power of Shopify, the 404 page is not merely a frustrating dead-end; it serves as a blank canvas for creativity, a pathway to customer retention, and a tool for enhancing your brand’s image.

You can follow the steps below to fix your 404 errors by implementing redirects.

  • Click on “Add URL Redirect.”
  • In the “Old Path” field, enter the source URL (the one causing the 404 error).
  • In the “New Path” field, enter the target URL (where you want the user to be redirected).
  • Choose the redirect type. Typically, you’ll use a 301 redirect, which signifies a permanent move.
